News & Events
Upcoming Events
If you know of or are participating in any upcoming events that might be of interest to our site visitors, please contact us.
Christmas Wreath-making Evening ++ last call – check with Nicky for any remaining spaces or make-at-home kits ++
Thursday 12 December, 7.00pm sharp start, in the Village Hall
Our ever-popular workshop will once again be professionally led by Norman Clarke. Tickets are £25 per person (payable on booking) and include all the supplies you’ll need to create your Christmas door wreath, plus a glass of mulled wine/soft drink and nibbles. Bring along any additional accessories you’d like to include. This event always sells out fast so book with Nicky Main straightaway. If you’re unable to join the workshop or it becomes oversubscribed there will be make-at-home kits available at £25 each.
Village Christmas Party ++ let Carole know ASAP if you’re coming ++
Saturday 14 December, 7.30pm, in the Village Hall
The hall will be decked out and the buffet table full. A nice opportunity to meet newer neighbours and catch-up with others. Tickets are free, instead you’re invited to contribute something towards the buffet. Bring your own drinks. Book places in advance with Carole and she’ll co-ordinate contributions. There’ll also be a charity fundraiser raffle so donations of prizes on the night are welcomed.
Carols on the Green
Sunday, 22 December, 4.00pm, on the Village Green
Gather on the village green for family carol singing ahead of the big day. There’ll be mulled wine, soft drinks and mince pies to tempt you….. Bring a torch or lantern so you can read the carol sheets, the green looks beautifully festive as darkness falls. Will take place in the village hall if raining.
Coming up in the New Year – Friday Night Social Quiz
A Friday Night Social with a twist – David Danger has kindly agreed to run one of his quizzes, really good fun and suitable for quizzers and non-quizzers alike. The ticket price will include supper. Look out for more details soon.
Other News
Christmas Charity – following suggestions from residents, fundraising from the Christmas Party and wreath-making evening will be shared between Happy Days Children’s Charity UK and Parkinson’s UK.
Easenhall Village Community – are the group who produce the newsletter, look after the village hall, organise the fete, host Friday Night Socials & the Christmas party and run other village activities such as the litter pick and wreath-making evening to name a couple. Over the last few years a number of committee members have taken very well-earned retirements so several new volunteers are needed to be able to keep our activities going in 2025 and onwards and just as importantly add fresh ideas that appeal to our village today.
What does it mean to be a volunteer?
200 Club – thanks to the ongoing support of everyone who holds tickets in our monthly cash prize draw we’ve been able to renew our defibrillator equipment for another 4 years. So reassuring to know we have a defib within reach if ever it’s needed (let’s hope it isn’t). Thank you 200 Clubbers for helping the defib to continue. If you don’t hold any 200 Club numbers yet see info below.
Mike and Sue Stone – whilst we’re not quite ready to say goodbye to Mike and Sue we’ll take this opportunity to thank them both for their many years of support and commitment to the social fabric of our village and to the Village Community Committee. As Sue resigns, she has clocked up 30 years as Treasurer and no doubt as a committee member for longer than that – what a shift! She has provided rock solid support to the village and its finances and leaves them in great shape. Sue has been a mainstay of village events whether taking part, helping with preparations or providing very welcome bacon sarnies after litter picks and village green tidy-ups. What you might not know is that they have also quietly managed many other things behind the scenes – such as looking after the defib, raising the flag, putting up the Christmas lights, looking after the phone box, keeping an eye on the village hall and delivering the newsletter. Also special mention deserved for the MANY years of marquee putting up and taking down! Their leaving is a huge loss, thank you Mike and Sue for everything you’ve done for our village.
Attending village meetings which take place in the evening every couple of months for an hour or two. Sharing your ideas and having a say in committee decisions and plans. Lending a hand at some of the events through the year as your time allows – such as buying supplies, helping set up, providing refreshments, manning a stall, and lots of other small jobs that it would be really useful to have more help with.
As well as new general volunteers there are 2 specific roles needing new volunteers from January 2025. Both would be for one year initially:
Treasurer – main elements of this role are managing the Easenhall Village Community bank account, handling incomings and outgoings, managing the utility bills and insurance of the village hall, reimbursing expenses, preparing year end accounts and giving brief updates at Village Community meetings. The books are in tip top shape and have been expertly managed for many years. The new Treasurer would pick up at the start of the new financial year, 1 Feb, and full handover, notes and support during a settling in period will be provided.
Fete Co-ordinator – involves pulling together the list of stalls, overseeing the set up on the cricket field, liaising with other committee members who share the fete preparations to make sure everything is in place, and being the overall point of contact in the run-up and on the day (date pencilled in for Sat 30 August next year). Other volunteers are already in place to lead the dog show, horticultural show and tearoom. The new Co-ordinator would want to kick off prep around April. Full list of contacts, previous fete plans and preparation details are all available along with a full handover and background support.
Can you help?
Helen Rathbone, Gill Ward or Nicky Main can chat with you about any of these roles, or contact them via this website.
Defibrillator – this is sited on the village green opposite the village hall in the old red BT phone box. Access to the equipment can only be gained by dialling 999 when full instructions will be given by the emergency services.
Any queries or messages: contact us via the website
Tables & chairs for hire – there are useful fold away tables of various sizes and chairs available to hire from the Village Committee for use by village residents. £5 per table, £1 per chair. Ideal if you’re having an extended gathering or party. Contact us if you’d like to make a booking.
Village Hall for hire – Our village hall is available to hire by local residents and clubs. Are you hosting a small business meeting? Member of an art/craft group? Planning a small social event? Would be an ideal space. £5 per hour. Contact us to make bookings.
Village 200 Club - as a reminder, this is a monthly draw from 200 numbers. Numbers are £5 each per year, most participants hold 5 numbers for a donation of £25 per year. There are 30 or so available numbers so please grab some if you don’t already hold any. If you’d like to participate please contact us. Winner of the monthly £25 prize for November is Gill and Eddie Ward.
Next Village Meeting will take place at 8pm on Thursday 30 January in the village hall. If you’d like to put anything forward or join the meeting, contact us. We’re particularly keen to hear your ideas for events and nominations for charities that are close to your heart which might benefit from our fund-raising activities. As always, all welcome.